Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The End, well sort of....

I've been debating a lot over the last few months whether to combine Bottom of the Pecking Order with The Urban Cottage. There are pros and cons to both and I've found myself writing this final post several times, only to decide that I will keep the two blogs separate and delete it again.

We've now had our hens for 1 year, and this blog has been running for almost as long. The plan was always to tell you about the learning curve involved with keeping livestock in the garden for the first time and I hope you've enjoyed the journey.

My decision has finally been made though. From now on news of our four hens will appear on The Urban Cottage along with all the other posts about patchwork, potatoes and puddings. I'm going to start a regular feature all about the mischievous chickens which I'm sure lovers of this blog will enjoy.

See you on the other side!